第六届E京华----雅昌艺术家联展 2015年9月6日下午3点30分,第六届E京华;;雅昌艺术家联展在时代美术馆开幕,时代美术馆、雅昌艺术网以及各拍卖机构的负责人出席本次活动。 艺术各界人士在E京华活动上合影 E京华展览现场...详细
Artist Kexin Di, he is a great talent, one of the best I have seen in my life!He has a wonderful palette color, oil technique and his canvas is filled full of life. He is a typical class...详细
Antonio Lopez: Kexin Di's work of <the Story About Artists>, the size, the composition. Brilliant! It has presence. It is a valuable painting! It has something. It has something ...详细
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