Antonio Lopez: Kexin Di's work of <the Story About Artists>, the size, the composition. Brilliant! It has presence. It is a valuable painting! It has something. It has something interesting.
Alex Kanevsky: I like it (Kexin Di's work of <the Story About Artists>) because it reminds me of another I loved Chinese painter, Liu XiaoDong, whose figure painting like this. And what's here is for that painter. But in essence it is not really that. Genius, Honorable Mention, yes.
Daniel Graves: In this work (Kexin Di's work of <the Story About Artists>) what strikes me is the theme of light, a light that moves a lot.
It is strong in other areas to be considered as an Honorable Mention. But he has a great sense of light, and I think his sensibility tells a story. Very well. I think we can consider it as an Honorable Mention, yes.
Nicola Samori: Kexin Di's work has immediately cough the attention of all the members of the jury, because it was one of the few examples which keeps distance from a boring photographic reproduction. And the composition is so rich, putting together flemish (flemish painting like Jan van Eyck) resonances with-I had this feeling-a Balthus line (Balthus: Called by Picasso "the greatest painter of the 20th century", the master of French figurative painting). And it's a warm painting, full of energy.
作者: Antonio Lopez,Alex Kanevsky, Daniel Graves,Nicola Samori
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